
Taipei Zoo! 臺北動物園


Opening Hours

* Open all year (except on Chinese New Year's eve)

* From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (no entry to the zoo after 4:00 p.m.)


* Full Ticket: NT$60

* Discount Ticket: NT$30

* 30% discount is offered on blocks of 30 tickets or more.

* Eligibility for Discount Tickets

1. Over six and under 12 years old

2. School student with student card

3. Military and police personnel with identification

4. Low income households with certification from Taipei City Government

* Eligible for Free Entry

1. Children under six years old

2. Handicapped persons (with certification) and one companion

3. School excursions (with application and approval documents)

4. Retired public servants and teachers (with retirement card)

5. Seniors sixty-five years old and over (with identity card)

6. Tour guides with Tourism Bureau authorization
