
Where can I change money? 我在哪里可以兌換外幣?

Where can I change money? 我在哪里可以兌換外幣?
Can you change this into Australian Dollars? 請將這些外幣兌換成澳元?
What is the exchange rate ? 兌換率是多少?
Do you accept traveler’s checks? 你這裏接受旅行支票嗎?
I’d like to cash this traveler’s check 請將這些旅行支票換成現金
I’d like some small change? 請將大鈔換成零錢
May I have a statement of accounts? 請給我兌換發票
Exchange of foreign currency 外幣兌換
Signature Coin Notes
簽名    硬幣   紙幣
