
Where is the tourist information centre ? 請問旅遊問訊處在哪里?

Where is the tourist information centre ? 請問旅遊問訊處在哪里?
Is there an airport bus to the city ? 這裏有從機場去市中心的巴士嗎 ?
Where is the bus stop (taxi stand) ? 巴士車站在哪里 ?
How much does it cost to the city centre by taxi ? 乘計程車到市中心需要多少錢 ?
How can I get to Hilton hotel ? 去希爾頓酒店怎?走 ?
May I have a city map ? 請給我一張市區地圖?
Can I reserve a hotel here ? 我可以在這裏預訂酒店嗎 ?
How much is it ? 多少錢 ?
Keep the change, please 不用找錢了
Take me to this address, please 請拉我去這個地址
How long does it take to go to the city centre ? 到市中心需要多長時間?
Stop here, please 請停下來。
What time does it leave ? 幾點發車?
Where can I get a ticket ? 在哪里賣票?
Could you tell me when we get there ? 請問幾點能夠到達那裏。
